Sunday, February 25, 2007

Peace Ambassador Exchange Scholarships

Partial travel scholarships are available, upon request, to qualified persons 19 years of age or older. Preference will be given to college students who apply. The amount of the scholarship will vary depending upon the number of requests and will likely range from $500 to $750. Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in world peace and a commitment to working toward it in the future. No educational or religious qualifications are required though applicants who have participated in, or are currently enrolled in a Peace Studies program are preferred.

Submit your Personal Application by e-mail: Each applicant is required to submit the following:
  1. Essay describing your past, present and future interest in working toward world peace, including a report from any prior peace or volunteer experience (with photos if available), and your reasons for applying for a partial travel scholarship (should you wish to request this assistance);
  2. List of all your preferred contact information, such as present address, cell phone number, and e-mail address.
  3. Two current references with contact information;
  4. Resume;
  5. Small portrait photo of applicant similar to a passport photo

Submittal deadline is April 19, 2010. Please e-mail all inquiries and your final completed application to : Evie Bertsche, Chair, at the following e-mail address: Note: For additional contact information including phone and mailing address - scroll to the bottom and click on Older Posts (right side).

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